A Love Letter from My Inner Demon

poetry May 20, 2024

I hunt you

Like a ghost in the shadows 

An incandescent film over your earthly battles 

I stalk you

Awaiting your flight

Before you can fly, I’ll clip your wings with delight

I am the huntress

You are my prey

Without me, who would you obey?

I am the wretched in you

That which contracts and refrains

Tying you in knot after knot until you forget your own name

I am the beast you cannot tame

And that without, which you cannot sustain

Come to me darling, I will keep you safe

I feel you seething, weaving, dreaming, heaving; trying to escape

But you and I are one in the same

The same echo, the same terrain

Equally wicked as we are divine

A dance to determine who will prevail, played out through time

I am your demon, but also your freedom

I am your restless nature and that which makes you a heathen

I am the dark earth which sows all your seeds

I am magic, macaw, and the essence of dreams 

If you and I were ever to be a team

Delving into the depths of the unseen

I would unclench my jaws and expand your consciousness

Leading you back through time

Until you recognized me as your essence

Your guiding hand 

And in many ways, your dearest friend 

I know a pinprick of my touch carries a force

Strong enough to send you into spiraling discourse

But if you can hear me now, know this:

As the fates would have it, we are betwixt

You are both hunter and prey 

That which consumes me until I decay

And I am that which causes you to bloom

The force propelling you out of your cocoon

To me you are an impenetrable muse

Of which I swoon as I move to consume

I am your shadow which stalks you with baited breath 

Sharpening your sword as I sense your duress 

For me, I assure you, you can undress

For I am that which you need not impress

I am utterly consumed by you

It is why I cannot let you be

You think I have power over you

Surely, it is you who has power over me 

The power to exist, to implore, to innovate, to break free

Chaos may be predictable, but you, my love, are alive

And it is through my demise that you seem to thrive

I am evolution and you are revelation 

You are my sweet tooth, my ever-blossoming fixation

I am but a gardener pulling your weeds

I have tried to swallow you whole

As the worlds before you would have you believe 

Yet you live on,

Yet you become,

Yet you rise,

Yet you surprise,

You are the light in my darkness

The heart beating in my chest.

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Straight Wisdom to the Dome 🧠